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Pansies? Or Violas?

So there is a certain someone you have feelings for. You want to give a meaningful gift but you don’t want too be obvious. The language of flowers will help you out. In times gone by attributes were assigned to flowers giving them a nuance and meaning of their own.

The name for pansy comes from the French word “to think”; So it follows that giving a bunch of pansies would be the perfect way to say, “I’m thinking of nothing but you”. You grab your scissors and head out to the garden to cut a bouquet of pansies.

Your standing out in the garden, scissors in hand, and you see these flowers:

Uhm? Which is which? Pansies? Or Violas?

If you choose violas, you are actually saying more about modesty. Shrinking violet? That’s not exactly expressing your feelings of loving thoughts. Unless you wish that certain someone would stop posting so many selfies.

Let’s take a closer look. Both pansies and violas are early spring bloomers. Both are charming and cheerful when other flowers can’t cope with the spring chill. They arrive saying, “Yes, spring is here! And yes, it will be followed by summer! And that will mean more flowers!” At least that’s what they say to me.

Viola flowers are smaller but more numerous overall per plant than pansies. They are more compact growers. Both are hardy and easy to grow. Pansies have larger flowers and blotches on the petals that some say resemble faces. Pansy flowers are more rounded and overall the plant is larger.

There, not as complicated as it seems. So clip to your heart's content!

We love the 'Sorbet' and 'Delta' series of Viola and Pansies. They are tried and true performers. Known for their abundant blooms and cold hardiness we find them to be reliable no matter what nature throws at them. And coming to a planter near you.

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